Source code for pypaw.adjoint

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Class that calculate adjoint source using asdf

    Wenjie Lei (, 2016
    GNU General Public License, Version 3
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
from functools import partial
import pyadjoint
from pytomo3d.adjoint.adjsrc import calculate_adjsrc_on_stream
from pytomo3d.adjoint.adjsrc import postprocess_adjsrc
from .procbase import ProcASDFBase
from .adjoint_util import reshape_adj, calculate_chan_weight
from .adjoint_util import smart_transform_window
from .utils import smart_read_json

[docs]def adjoint_wrapper(obsd_station_group, synt_station_group, config=None, obsd_tag=None, synt_tag=None, windows=None, event=None, adj_src_type="multitaper_misfit", interp_delta=None, interp_npts=None, figure_mode=False, figure_dir=False, adjoint_src_flag=True): """ Function wrapper for pyasdf. :param obsd_station_group: observed station group, which contains seismogram(stream) and station information(inventory) :param synt_station_group: synthetic station group. Same as obsd_station_group :param config: config object for adjoint source :type config: pyadjoint.Config :param obsd_tag: observed seismogram tag, used for extracting the seismogram in observed asdf file :type obsd_tag: str :param synt_tag: synthetic seismogram tag, used for extracting the seismogram in synthetic asdf file :type synt_tag: str :param windows: windows for this station group. Two dimension list. The first dimension is different channels, the second dimension is windows for this channel, like [[chan1_win1, chan1_win2], [chan2_win1,], ...] :type windows: list :param event: event information :type event: obspy.Inventory :param adj_src_type: adjoint source type, currently support: 1) "cc_traveltime_misfit" 2) "multitaper_misfit" 3) "waveform_misfit" :type adj_src_type: st :param adjoint_src_flag: calcualte adjoint source, put this to true. If false, only make measurements but no adjoint sources. :type adjoint_src_flag: bool :param figure_mode: plot figures for adjoint source or not :type figure_mode: bool :param figure_dir: output figure directory :type figure_dir: str :return: adjoint sources for pyasdf write out(reshaped) """ # Make sure everything thats required is there. if not hasattr(obsd_station_group, obsd_tag): print("Missing tag '%s' from obsd_station_group %s. Skipped." % (obsd_tag, obsd_station_group._station_name)) return if not hasattr(synt_station_group, synt_tag): print("Missing tag '%s' from synt_station_group %s. Skipped." % (synt_tag, synt_station_group._station_name)) return if not hasattr(synt_station_group, "StationXML"): print("Missing tag 'STATIONXML' from synt_station_group %s. Skipped" % (synt_tag, synt_station_group._station_name)) observed = getattr(obsd_station_group, obsd_tag) synthetic = getattr(synt_station_group, synt_tag) synt_staxml = getattr(synt_station_group, "StationXML") try: window_sta = windows[obsd_station_group._station_name] except: return window_sta = smart_transform_window(window_sta) adjsrcs = calculate_adjsrc_on_stream( observed, synthetic, window_sta, config, adj_src_type, figure_mode=figure_mode, figure_dir=figure_dir, adjoint_src_flag=adjoint_src_flag) chan_weight_dict = calculate_chan_weight(adjsrcs, window_sta) origin = event.preferred_origin() or[0] focal = event.preferred_focal_mechanism() hdr = focal.moment_tensor.source_time_function.duration time_offset = -1.5 * hdr # according to SPECFEM starttime convention interp_starttime = origin.time + time_offset new_adjsrcs = postprocess_adjsrc( adjsrcs, interp_starttime, interp_delta, interp_npts, rotate_flag=True, inventory=synt_staxml, event=event, sum_over_comp_flag=True, weight_flag=True, weight_dict=chan_weight_dict, filter_flag=False) _final = reshape_adj(new_adjsrcs, time_offset, synt_staxml) if _final is None: return else: return _final
[docs]class AdjointASDF(ProcASDFBase): """ Adjoint Source ASDF """ def _validate_path(self, path): """ Valicate path information :param path: path information :type path: dict :return: """ necessary_keys = ["obsd_asdf", "obsd_tag", "synt_asdf", "synt_tag", "window_file", "output_file"] self._missing_keys(necessary_keys, path) def _validate_param(self, param): """ Valicate path information :param path: path information :type path: dict :return: """ necessary_keys = ["adj_src_type", "min_period", "max_period"] self._missing_keys(necessary_keys, param) if param["min_period"] > param["max_period"]: raise ValueError("Error in param file, min_period(%5.1f) is larger" "than max_period(%5.1f)" % (param["min_period"], param["max_period"])) @staticmethod
[docs] def load_adjoint_config(config): """ Load config into pyadjoint.Config :param param: :return: """ return pyadjoint.Config(**config)
[docs] def load_windows(self, winfile): """ load window json file :param winfile: :return: """ return smart_read_json(winfile, mpi_mode=self.mpi_mode, object_hook=False)
def _core(self, path, param): """ Core function that handles one pair of asdf file(observed and synthetic), windows and configuration for adjoint source :param path: path information, path of observed asdf, synthetic asdf, windows files, observed tag, synthetic tag, output adjoint file, figure mode and figure directory :type path: dict :param param: parameter information for constructing adjoint source :type param: dict :return: """ self._validate_path(path) self._validate_param(param) self.print_info(path, extra_info="Path information") self.print_info(param, extra_info="Param information") obsd_file = path["obsd_asdf"] synt_file = path["synt_asdf"] window_file = path["window_file"] output_filename = path["output_file"] self.check_input_file(obsd_file) self.check_input_file(synt_file) self.check_input_file(window_file) self.check_output_file(output_filename) obsd_ds = self.load_asdf(obsd_file, mode="r") obsd_tag = path["obsd_tag"] synt_ds = self.load_asdf(synt_file, mode="r") synt_tag = path["synt_tag"] figure_mode = path["figure_mode"] figure_dir = path["figure_dir"] event =[0] windows = self.load_windows(window_file) adj_src_type = param["adj_src_type"] interp_delta = param["interp_delta"] interp_npts = param["interp_npts"] param.pop("adj_src_type", None) param.pop("interp_delta", None) param.pop("interp_npts", None) config = self.load_adjoint_config(param) adjsrc_func = \ partial(adjoint_wrapper, config=config, obsd_tag=obsd_tag, synt_tag=synt_tag, windows=windows, event=event, adj_src_type=adj_src_type, interp_delta=interp_delta, interp_npts=interp_npts, figure_mode=figure_mode, figure_dir=figure_dir) results = obsd_ds.process_two_files(synt_ds, adjsrc_func, output_filename) return results